
Please find here the five most recent publications of IMEHPS.


We are a research company which develops and applies new scientific methods for improving health care systems.

The current focus is on exploring the role of and assisting family members of persons suffering from mental illness and exploring the chances and limitations of gaining insights from real world data by linking and analysing information from large administrative registries and on developing recommendations for health care planners and politicians for optimizing the system of health care in general and mental health care in particular. We aim at bridging the gulf between the highest scientific standard and user and carer involvement and also consider aspects of cost-effectiveness and provider payment mechanisms.

The scientific staff of IMEHPS.research has acquired extensive experience in these fields in the framework of the Medical University of Vienna and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Social Psychiatry. IMEHPS.research was work package leader in two competitively acquired large multi-centre research projects, the European Commission 7th Framework project CEPHOS-LINK (Comparative Effectiveness Research on Psychiatric Hospitalisation by Record Linkage of Large Administrative Data Sets; dissemination phase) and DEXHELPP (Decision Support for Health Policy and Planning: Methods, Models and Technologies based on Existing Health Care Data), an Austrian COMET k-project (Competence Centre for Excellent Technologies).